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Freshers Night18-Apr-2024

On April 18, 2024, Unison World School hosted a welcoming event in the Multi-Purpose Hall to embrace the arrival of new students. The aim was to ensure that each newcomer felt included and connected to the vibrant UWS community. Existing students took the initiative to greet the newcomers warmly, setting the tone for an inclusive atmosphere from the start. The highlight of the event was the spectacular performances put up by the current students. With a display of their talents through dance routines and musical performances, they not only entertained but also showcased the vibrant spirit that defines the UWS community. Amidst the cheers and applause, the new students also had their moment to shine, showcasing their own skills and talents. This exchange not only fostered a sense of camaraderie but also provided the newcomers with a platform to express themselves and build lasting relationships. The school Principal, Dr. Mona Khanna's address added to the significance of the event, congratulating the students on their performances and encouraging them to seize the abundant opportunities available at UWS. Overall, the event served its purpose admirably, integrating new students into the UWS family and setting the stage for a fulfilling academic journey ahead.