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Photography field trip to Forest Research Institute15-Apr-2024

On Monday, April 15, 2024, a group of 23 students of Unison World school, accompanied by Ms. Diksha Rawat (Escort Incharge), Ms. Palak Saraswat, and Mr. Ashish Aweley, embarked on an educational excursion to the Forest Research Institute of Dehradun at 6 a.m. The primary objective of the trip was to facilitate learning in nature photography. Led by experienced instructors, the students engaged in interactive sessions aimed at enhancing their understanding of different aspects of photography, particularly focusing on light exposure techniques. Throughout the day, the students had the opportunity to capture images of various natural subjects, including birds, flowers, and trees, within the picturesque surroundings of the Forest Research Institute. They were encouraged to apply their creativity and experiment with different angles and compositions to produce captivating photographs. After a fulfilling day of learning and exploration, the group concluded their visit and departed from the Forest Research Institute at 11:30 a.m. Despite the brief duration of the trip, it proved to be a memorable and enriching experience for all participants, fostering a deeper connection with nature and igniting a passion for photography among the students.