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Session on Grooming, Hygiene, and Personal Care for Middle School by Team IRIS06-Apr-2024

Col. Bharadvaj from team IRIS organized a session on grooming, hygiene, and personal care for middle school students on April 6th 2024. The session aimed to impart essential knowledge and practices to maintain hygiene, promote personal care habits, and enhance overall well-being among the students. The resource person emphasized that hygiene is not only about cleanliness but also a condition and practice to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. Students were educated on various practices involved in personal hygiene, including regular bathing, handwashing, oral hygiene, and nail care. The distinction between hygiene and grooming was explained to help students understand the importance of both aspects in maintaining personal well-being and appearance. The benefits of practicing personal hygiene, including disease prevention, improved self-esteem, and fostering self-discipline, were discussed. Students were introduced to healthy habits to incorporate into their personal hygiene routines, such as washing hands before meals, brushing teeth twice a day, and maintaining cleanliness of clothes and surroundings. Tips and techniques for nail and ear hygiene, foot care, oral hygiene, menstrual hygiene, and skin care were shared with students, providing practical guidance for maintaining overall health and well-being. The session provided valuable knowledge and practical tips for students to lead healthier and more confident lives.